September 2024

It’s been a bit of a lighter month cooking at home for various reasons, but that hasn’t completely stopped my various experimentation. I returned to the great chipotle chicken recipe I got from the Ottolenghi team a few weeks ago....

September 14, 2024

August 2024

While our food culture here in the United States still hasn’t quite caught up with other places I’ve visited, I’m lucky enough to have at least a little exposure to seasonal products....

August 14, 2024

July 2024

Summer has begun to really assert itself, and so my food-related projects shift with it. Warm weather always makes me want tacos, which feel slightly weird to make when it’s freezing outside....

July 14, 2024

June 2024

Every year I feel like I should keep a log of the average daily temperature. As soon as I blink, the weather goes from so cold I’d freeze without wearing a coat to so warm I have to turn on the air conditioning....

June 15, 2024

May 2024

The weather finally decided to change into something truly springlike in the middle of April. While they weren’t exactly in season, I had a real hankering for haricots verts. It was a great opportunity to make a batch of garlic-forward toum....

May 12, 2024

April 2024

Spring has arrived in its usual noncommittal way over the last few weeks. It’s been cold and wet, and sometimes difficult to motivate myself in food as in other areas....

April 14, 2024

March 2024

Longtime readers may recall that the genesis for this whole project was the weekly newsletter that I started in early 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 confinements. I used a service called TinyLetter to write and mail that out, and, much to my chagrin, they’ve decided to shut TinyLetter down....

March 17, 2024

February 2024

After a bit of a wacky month, I’m trying to get this back on schedule, so this month’s notes will be a little sparer than usual. It hasn’t been that long!...

February 15, 2024

January 2024

The last month has been dominated by the usual festive madness with all its ups and downs. And some other developments got in the way of getting this issue out at the usual cadence....

February 6, 2024

December 2023

Short days make me want food that’s warming, even as we’ve had unusually warm late November and early December weather. I love doing a batch of warmly-spiced red lentils with basmati rice....

December 19, 2023