November 2023

Moving into the deep fall and closer to winter, I find myself both celebrating the excuse to switch up my menus even as I miss summer produce. Looking only at the photos, everything is much more beige and monochrome than it has been....

November 15, 2023

October 2023

It’s been an interesting month. Beginning most obviously with the couple weeks that I spent in Scandinavia (Denmark and Sweden) the second half of September. Copenhagen is now one of my favorite places....

October 14, 2023

September 2023

The last of summer was in many ways more of the same. I continue to be a big fan of the pan bagnat. After doing a bit more research, a lot of people suggested adding a lot of fresh basil, which I thought was a great concept....

September 15, 2023

August 2023

I’ve settled into something like a lazy summer pattern. I needed a bit of a break after a few frenetic weeks squeezing in a bit of travel and a few group events I decided to organize....

August 13, 2023

July 2023

Between travel and a more general desire to get out of the house, I found a few outlets for my food obsession outside the worlds of restaurants and my kitchen....

July 18, 2023

June 2023

The weather here in New England has been a bit indecisive over the last month. Some days have been decidedly in the summer column. Others make me hesitate to pack away the coats and sweaters even though we’re now halfway through June....

June 11, 2023

May 2023

At last, I feel like I’ve really settled back into a groove in the kitchen. My patience was rewarded, at least with respect to asparagus. I usually think of it as an early-spring vegetable....

May 14, 2023

April 2023

In my obliviousness, I completely missed the fact daylight saving time returned a few weeks ago. What a difference that makes. Both because it’s nice the sun doesn’t set at 5 PM, and also as it means I have more potential for getting lots of natural light for photos when I’m throwing together dinner in the evenings....

April 16, 2023

March 2023

With painful slowness, my kitchen is coming together at last. My architects and I brought in a new crew to deal with the points of finesse the previous contractor couldn’t quite get right....

March 11, 2023

February 2023

Despite my kitchen still (!) not quite being done, I feel like I’m beginning to get my groove back. I spent the second half of January meandering around Europe in Spain, the Netherlands, and France, which provided some interesting perspectives that were really inspiring....

February 11, 2023