Anzac Biscuits

Ingredients 150 g all-purpose flour 90 g desiccated coconut 90 g rolled oats 1 teaspoon baking soda Pinch salt 150 g unsalted butter 160 g brown sugar 90 g golden syrup Method In a large bowl, combine the flour, coconut, oats, baking soda, and salt....

April 30, 2023

Hot Cross Buns

While I’m not at all religious, a few years ago I decided to embrace the ritual of making hot cross buns for Good Friday. My remix of this Commonwealth classic is result of a cultural flub....

April 8, 2023

Levain Crackers

This idea comes from the superb YouTube channel Boulangerie Pas à pas. It’s a great way to use what would otherwise get wasted when you need to refresh your levain but don’t have the need to bake anything....

June 21, 2021

Levain liquide (Liquid Sourdough Starter)

This is a “liquid” levain, which is to say that you’re aiming for a roughly 1:1 ratio of water to flour on each refresh of the culture. If you’re not planning to bake every day — I certainly don’t — it’s easy enough to stash this in the refrigerator and give a quick warm up to room temperature before using....

June 21, 2021

Sesame Chocolate Cookies

These come from the excellent Mokonuts in Paris. Everything they do is delicious, these as much or more than everything else. It can be a little difficult to find black sesame seeds....

June 5, 2021


I came across these biscuits while I began learning the Danish language during the 2020 pandemic, and also wanted to immerse myself in the culture. These are wonderfully minimal. Not too difficult and delicious....

May 31, 2021

Currant Scones

Unfortunately, we haven’t gotten our act together and settled on standards for flour types in the US. I’m using King Arthur white whole wheat flour here. If you can’t (or don’t want to) hunt that down, I’d recommend substituting a roughly 1:3 ratio of whole wheat to all-purpose flour....

May 31, 2021

Miso Peanut Butter Cookies

I first had miso in a dessert at a restaurant in Portland called Biwa, I want to say in an ice cream. While I grew up eating and liking miso, it wasn’t ever something you’d add to a dessert....

May 31, 2021

Pâte levée feuilletée (PLF)

This is the dough to make viennoiserie, risen buttery concoctions like croissants and pains au chocolat. It’s incredibly fiddly to say the least. One essential step: get the best — by which I mean highest fat content — butter you can find....

May 30, 2021