Sauce vinaigrette

A vinaigrette (as well as the mayonnaise and the aïoli) is an emulsion. That is, a mixture of two liquids that are otherwise difficult to combine. In this case, that’s the vinegar, which is mostly water, with the oil....

May 31, 2021

Korma Curry Paste

After doing some research, I decided to use this recipe from Nish Kitchen as a starting point. For the current version, I made some changes (i.e., omitted or substituted ingredients) based on what I had on hand....

May 30, 2021

Pâte levée feuilletée (PLF)

This is the dough to make viennoiserie, risen buttery concoctions like croissants and pains au chocolat. It’s incredibly fiddly to say the least. One essential step: get the best — by which I mean highest fat content — butter you can find....

May 30, 2021

Neapolitan Pizza Dough

Credit where credit is due: I got this from Ken Forkish of Ken’s Artisan Pizza in Portland. It’s one of my favorite pizza places. Sadly I don’t have a wood-burning oven at home....

May 30, 2021

Poached Eggs

Poached eggs can be a pain. There’s nothing fun about hunching over a giant pot of boiling water or delicately sliding raw eggs into the pot, hoping they won’t fall apart....

May 29, 2021