Salsa verde mexicana

Take it from someone who learned the hard way: tomatillos are very much not green (under-ripe) tomatoes. They’re a completely different product with a different flavor. Tomatillos also have a lot more pectin than tomatoes, which gives this salsa nice body....

July 21, 2024

Ragù alla bolognese

This is one of those dishes that’s ubiquitous and still manages to raise the hackles of purists. I would argue that the purity tests around the ragù alla bolognese are unfounded....

July 10, 2021

Level II Salsa

This is a salsa in the Mexican, rather than Italian sense. I don’t entirely remember how this name came to be. Perhaps that this is a step up from the most basic salsa it’s possible to make, tossing a few ingredients together in a bowl....

June 14, 2021

Salsa verde italiana

Confusingly, the words for sauce and green are identical in Spanish and Italian. This sauce is the Italian salsa verde. I’ll keep saying this over and over: don’t let the anchovies put you off....

June 5, 2021

Sauce vinaigrette

A vinaigrette (as well as the mayonnaise and the aïoli) is an emulsion. That is, a mixture of two liquids that are otherwise difficult to combine. In this case, that’s the vinegar, which is mostly water, with the oil....

May 31, 2021